


2018年春天, we wrote to inform you that Branson had launched an independent investigation into any past incidents of sexual misconduct by faculty and staff following disturbing reports of sexual 滥用 by a former Branson employee from three alumnae of the 1970s. We pledged to you that we would conduct this investigation with the utmost compassion and transparency, and it is in that spirit that we are writing today to share the findings of the investigation in full, 尽管他们很痛苦.  


首先也是最重要的, 正规赌博十大平台排行向幸存者致以最深切的歉意 who suffered from sexual misconduct by Branson faculty or staff. 作为一个机构, we acknowledge our failing: Branson did not do enough to protect you and keep you safe while you were in the school's care. We commend your courage to come forward and share your experiences of past sexual mistreatment because in doing so, 正规赌博十大平台排行相信你们正在帮助十大网赌平台推荐成为一个更强大、更安全的学生社区.

For those of you who came forward as witnesses to events from years past and shared your knowledge with the investigators, 正规赌博十大平台排行感谢你们对幸存者的同情和同情, 也感谢你对此案的彻底调查. 在你的帮助下, 正规赌博十大平台排行现在能够承认教职员工过去的违法行为, 正规赌博十大平台排行希望这能给正规赌博十大平台排行受影响的校友一些安慰.

当这个消息传遍正规赌博十大平台排行的社区, 正规赌博十大平台排行提醒你十大网赌平台推荐新近阐明但长期坚持的核心价值观:勇气, 善良, 荣誉与宗旨. 请善意行事,尊重幸存者的尊严和隐私. Heartfelt conversations among alumni to reflect on the past and process this report in meaningful ways are encouraged, 并将帮助正规赌博十大平台排行的社区愈合.

We ask that you be mindful about how these incidents are discussed on social media because doing so may only deepen the pain of the survivors, 他们的家人和同学.


2018年5月, 董事会保留了南希·凯斯滕鲍姆和克拉拉·申, 科文顿律师事务所的律师 & Burling LLP to conduct a thorough and independent investigation into any reports from students of adult sexual misconduct by Branson faculty and staff. 董事会选择了. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin because of their expertise in conducting independent investigations of this nature in both corporate and school settings, 而且十大网赌平台推荐之前与科文顿公司没有任何关系. Ms. Kestenbaum, 前联邦检察官和全国公认的刑事辩护律师, 领导了乔特罗斯玛丽音乐厅性行为不端的调查, 布里尔利学校, 以及哥伦比亚广播公司董事会. Ms. Shin co-chairs Covington's global commercial litigation practice group and recently helped to lead an investigation of Uber's corporate culture.

调查公告 于2018年6月12日,女士. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 申某设置了秘密热线和电子邮件地址, and we encouraged anyone with information regarding adult sexual misconduct over the course of Branson's history to contact the Covington team. The Covington attorneys had full access to Branson's records and to current and former Branson employees to support their investigation. 在过去的10个月里. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 申氏采访了近100人, 包括校友,前任和现任教员, 教职员及受托人. 卡温顿小组审查了两千多份文件.

Ms. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin在周三晚上向理事会提交了他们的报告. 昨天,正规赌博十大平台排行分享了一些幸存者的经历. 马佐拉说正规赌博十大平台排行会公布报告. 今天早些时候, we shared our intentions to release the full report with faculty and staff and also with our current students, 正规赌博十大平台排行现在与大家分享完整的报告. 这份报告包含敏感和生动的材料,读起来令人痛苦.



科文顿的调查发现了过去40年来成人性行为不端的证据. In several instances when Branson faculty or administrators learned of the sexual misconduct or inappropriate behavior, 从《正规赌博十大平台排行》中可以清楚地看出,有些问题本应得到更迅速的处理, 更彻底,更敏感地对待受到伤害的学生.

Ms. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin made the determination to name the three former employees and a volunteer who engaged in sexual misconduct towards students based on such factors as such whether the reports of sexual misconduct were corroborated, 证据的强度, 同时代文献的存在, 以及十大网赌平台推荐某个人的报道数量. 他们命名为:


  • 拉什蒂·泰勒,体育主任和足球教练,在20世纪70年代末
  • 莱斯·卡罗尔,田径主任,足球和篮球教练,在20世纪80年代中后期
  • Rich Manoogian, volunteer basketball manager and assistant coach, in the late 1980s and early 1990s
  • 阿利斯泰尔·格兰特,大学辅导员,在2010年初


在适当情况下,. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin also named certain senior administrators who learned during their tenure at Branson about possible sexual misconduct between Branson educators and students.

正如正规赌博十大平台排行在6月12日的信中所说, 听了正规赌博十大平台排行三位校友的意见, 十大网赌平台推荐向当地执法部门报告了拉什蒂·泰勒的情况. Reports to law enforcement had been made previously by a student with respect to Rich Manoogian and by Branson with respect to Alistair Grant. 自从收到卡温顿报告以来, 正规赌博十大平台排行已经向当地执法部门报告了这四个人的情况.

Covington did not receive any information about adult sexual misconduct toward current Branson students or reports that any current Branson employee engaged in sexual misconduct with any students.


正规赌博十大平台排行知道过去的过失会导致现在的痛苦和苦恼. Caring for our alumni who were the victims of adult sexual 滥用 while students at Branson is very important to us. 2018年7月,正规赌博十大平台排行创建了一个独立的治疗基金,为幸存者提供支持. 正规赌博十大平台排行通过RAINN(强奸,虐待)建立了这个支持系统 & 乱伦国家网络), 全国公认的性侵犯预防和应对服务的领先提供者. RAINN给十大网赌平台推荐设了一条保密专线 855-794-0545 to offer immediate crisis counseling and to provide a process to disburse funds to help pay for current therapy needs of survivors. Additional alumni who wish to access these services from RAINN are encouraged to call the number above.


十大网赌平台推荐致力于学生的健康和安全. One of the reasons to launch this investigation and reexamine Branson's past history of adult sexual 滥用 is to build and maintain a 更安全的学校 environment moving forward and to make certain that our policies and procedures employ best practice. 正规赌博十大平台排行还遵守有关虐待儿童指控的所有相关法律, 包括按照州法律的要求通知儿童保护服务机构和当地执法部门. 正规赌博十大平台排行会用实时扫描技术将指纹与联邦调查局的犯罪数据库进行比对, 以及每位潜在员工在被聘用前的推荐信, 包括教师, 员工和教练. 除了, 正规赌博十大平台排行的教职员工定期参加委托记者, 防止性骚扰和虐待培训. 在2019年秋季,正规赌博十大平台排行将在每个学年开始时开始进行培训.

作为调查的结果, 十大网赌平台推荐已经检查了目前防止体育教练性行为不端的做法, 其中很多人都不是十大网赌平台推荐的全职员工. 目前,教练员通过正规赌博十大平台排行的体育联盟MCAL接受培训. 从2019年秋季开始, 所有的教练, 教练组和运动训练员, 全职或兼职, 是否需要填写强制性报告, 除了MCAL培训外,还通过十大网赌平台推荐进行性骚扰和虐待预防培训.



  • 十大网赌平台推荐推出了一个“社区健康”网页 & 资源”,提供举报虐待的程序, 受害者资源和学校对学生安全和福祉的承诺: www.十大网赌平台推荐.org/about/communitywellness
  • In 2018, 十大网赌平台推荐的《教职员工行为准则, 它扩展了现有的十大网赌平台推荐员工与学生互动的适当界限的政策, 发给了所有家长和学生, 并发布在正规赌博十大平台排行的网站以及学生和员工手册中. 这些手册在每个学年之前更新并与所有员工和家庭共享.
  • 同意课程在十年级的人类发展课程
  • 从2015年秋季开始,每周在午餐和弹性时段提供同意对话
  • 从2018-19学年开始,11年级和12年级的学生可以选修十大网赌平台推荐同意的课程
  • 2018年秋季,修订后的《十大网赌平台推荐报告性虐待协议》推出
  • 在人类发展时期, 制定解决性骚扰问题的方案, 滥用, 攻击, 欺凌, 和歧视
  • 从2018年秋季开始, all visitors to campus must provide identification and clear two national databases for sex offenders.


We also drew guidance from a joint NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools)/TABS (The Association of Boarding Schools) task force which released a report in 2018 detailing best practices recommendations for schools to follow regarding the prevention and response on educator sexual misconduct. 该报道张贴在这里.

We acknowledge that coming forward to share experiences of past sexual 滥用 is extremely difficult and that there may still be alumni who have not yet reported adult sexual 滥用 that they experienced at Branson. 因为对科文顿的调查已经结束了, 万一十大网赌平台推荐的任何学生想要举报成人性虐待, 应该联系的管理员是米歇尔·琼斯, 人力资源总监, 联系电话:415-455-7126或 michelle_jones@十大网赌平台推荐.org.

* * *


The goals of this investigation were threefold: to examine and uncover any instances of sexual 滥用 at Branson throughout its history, 为在十大网赌平台推荐遭受性虐待的幸存者提供支持, and to make certain that we have the proper policies and procedures in place to ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future.

尽管调查已经结束, 正规赌博十大平台排行比以往任何时候都更加致力于保护人民的福祉, 健康, 以及学生的安全. Branson fundamentally failed those students who were 滥用d at the hands of their teachers and coaches, 再一次, 正规赌博十大平台排行向幸存者致以最深切的歉意, 谁的勇气和力量激励着正规赌博十大平台排行所有人. 正规赌博十大平台排行要感谢参加这一艰难进程的每一个人. 这次调查对正规赌博十大平台排行社区的所有成员来说都是一个挑战, 正规赌博十大平台排行坚信,它的结果将使十大网赌平台推荐变得更加强大, 更好的, 更安全的学校.



克里斯蒂娜K. Mazzola





P.O. Box 887 Ross, CA 94957⋅415-454-3612 www.十大网赌平台推荐.org

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